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German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
Eva advises and represents clients in securing, maintaining, enforcing and challenging intellectual property rights in the fields of chemistry, pharmacy and plant protection. In the field of chemistry, she has particular expertise in organic chemistry and organic synthesis. Within the areas of pharmacy and plant protection, her work mainly centers on small molecules, combination preparations and formulations.
During a secondment with an international chemical corporation, where her role was that of a patent professional with particular attention to plant protection, Eva became particularly skilled in developing filing strategies. She also spent a period of time with an American IP law firm where she acquired valuable insights into the rules and procedures of US patent law.
"Eva Dörner is a gifted attorney who knows her field extremely well. She is collaborative, enjoyable to work with and can be recommended without hesitation to anyone working in chemistry or pharma, especially on contentious matters."
– IAM Patent 1000, 2023
"The collaboration with Andreas Ledl and Eva Dörner has become indispensable for us. Andreas Ledl’s level-headed manner and his focus on addressing all involved parties and presenting problems in an abstract way is second to none. Eva Dörner’s chemical expertise undoubtedly rivals that of our in-house chemists while always being one step ahead in negotiations with patent lawyers on the other side. Both leave any ego behind and always have the best possible result for their client in mind. I haven’t seen it that often."
– Legal 500 EMEA, 2023
"Die Zusammenarbeit mit Andreas Ledl und Eva Dörner ist für uns nicht mehr wegzudenken. Andreas Ledls besonnene Art und sein Fokus darauf, alle am Tisch sitzenden abzuholen und Probleme abstrahiert zu präsentieren sucht seinesgleichen. Eva Dörners chemische Expertise kann ohne Zweifel mit unseren In-House Chemikern mithalten, während sie in Verhandlungen mit Patentanwälten der anderen Seite immer einen Schritt voraus ist. Beide lassen jegliches Ego außen vor und haben immer das bestmögliche Ergebnis für ihren Mandanten im Sinn. Habe ich in der Form nicht oft erlebt."
– Legal 500 Germany, 2023
"For strategic advice in the fields of chemistry and plant protection, organic chemistry PhD Eva Dörner is a discerning choice. She secures, maintains and builds up her clients’ key assets with finesse and great commercial astuteness."
– IAM 300, 2022
"Eva Dörner offers efficient, structured and solution-oriented cooperation, always with the aim to get the most out of it for the client. Even the urgent assignments are always worked on with the highest quality. Especially to be emphasised are her excellent ability of communication as well as experiences, in particular in the sector of chemical and pharmaceutical patents."
– Legal 500 EMEA, 2020
“Eva Dörner always recommends the best course of action thanks to her exceptional expertise in both European patent law and chemistry. She is meticulous in her work and provides a world-class service.”
– IAM Strategy 300, 2023