UPC Update

The Unified Patent Court and the Unitary Patent

The Unified Patent Court commenced operations on June 1, 2023.

The new Unified Patent Court deals with infringement or nullity for all participating EU member states together. Thus, the Unified Patent Court has joined the already existing national courts which deal with infringement and invalidity only for the respective country.

The Unitary Patent is an EP patent with unitary effect in all participating EU member states. This means that infringement and invalidity of a unitary patent are dealt with jointly at the Unified Patent Court for all participating member states.

The filing and grant procedure of a conventional EP patent application remains as it was. To obtain a unitary patent, a request for unitary effect must be filed within one month of the mention of the grant of the EP patent. This then results in combined protection from a unitary patent in the available countries and the conventional national parts of the EP patent in the other countries.

The Unitary Patent

This means that for the states marked below in blue, only an EP patent will be available, while for the currently participating EU member states, marked in green, there will be a choice between a Unitary Patent or an EP patent.

The applicant must decide whether to have an EP application automatically granted as an EP Patent or whether a request for unitary effect to obtain a Unitary Patent in the available states (green).

The Unified Patent Court

The Unified Patent Court will handle infringement or revocation for all participating EU member states at once. The Unified Patent Court will work alongside the present national courts, which currently handle infringement and revocation only for their respective state.

The applicant will have to make a decision regarding whether the Unified Patent Court will be automatically competent for all their pending EP patent applications or whether an Opt out request will be filed, so that the national courts remain competent for infringement and revocation in each state.

Unified Patent Court judicial appointments and Presidium elections | Unified Patent Court (unified-patent-court.org)

Decision between the Unified Patent Court or an Opt out

This decision can again be based on the different factors:

  • If the Unified Patent Court is competent, infringement or revocation will be decided for all states at once. Such an infringement decision with unitary effect in all states can be a great win for the applicant, while such a revocation decision with a unitary effect in all states can be a great loss for the applicant.
  • If the Opt out is requested, the individual national courts remain competent for each country. This means an infringement decision for a single state is not as powerful, while a revocation decision for a single state is not as dangerous. The applicant might choose the Unified Patent Court for only very strong patents, and Opt out all other patent applications and patents.
  • The decision between the automatic authority of the Unified Patent Court or an Opt out to the authority of the national courts can also be based on the different litigation costs.
    • If a litigation is planned or expected in one or two states, the national courts would most likely be more cost effective.
    • If litigation is planned or expected in three or more countries, the Unified Patent Court would most likely be more cost effective.
  • It should also be taken into account that the Opt out is reversible. After an Opt out, an Opt in is possible. However, it is not possible to opt out a second time.

>> Have a look at our UPC Handout

Maiwald is pleased to be a member of the UPCLA network

What is the UPCLA network?

The UPCLA network, created in 2014, is a non-exclusive network of European lawyers and patent attorneys firms, all recognized for the excellence of their intellectual property practice by international rankings. The purpose of the UPCLA network is to plan and coordinate panEuropean patent litigation (as well as in the whole field of intellectual property in general), pending the advent of the Unified Patent Jurisdiction.

What are the reasons to choose the UPCLA network?


The UPCLA is a European network gathering:

  • At least one Lawyer (litigator) and at least one European Patent Attorney by local/regional division
  • Reputed for their practice (in international rankings)
  • Covering all technical fields

Simplicity & Flexibility

A single point of contact:

  • The member who is in contact with the client or the foreign associate is the coordinator for the case
  • Reduced administrative burden for the client or foreign associate
  • Local members able to represent or provide advice before their local Division (for forum shopping consultation, case management hearings, enforcement…)


All members are independent:

  • Fewer conflicts of interest: if one is conflicted, another member may replace him

Inside knowledge

  • Members actively follow and contribute to the UPC, ensuring we have the best knowledge of the UPC law.

Find out more on the UPCLA network: upcla

Maiwald UPC Videos

Maiwald UPC videos is a comprehensive series of videos dedicated to the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court, providing you with insights on how to prepare for the new patent and the new court system. We will also provide you with strategies and roadmaps when being faced with the decisions whether a Unitary Patent or a classic EP patent may be the best option and whether the Unified Patent Court or an opt out to the national courts may be the best option.

Preparation for the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court

In this video Dr-Ing. Sophie Ertl (Partner at Maiwald) gives you an overview on the new system and some guidelines on how to decide between the different options.

To the video

Translation requirements, early request for unitary effect and request for delay in issuing the decision to grant

In this video Dr Tobias Philipp (Patent Attorney at Maiwald) discusses translation requirements, the early request for unitary effect and the request for delay in issuing the decision to grant a European patent.

To the Video

The Unified Patent Court. Structure and Jurisdiction.

In this video Heike Röder-Hitschke (Counsel at Maiwald) will make you more familiar with the unitary patent court, its organizational structure, jurisdiction and procedures, summarizing the basic information in order to prepare you for the next step – the decision to opt out or to stay in and make use of the new court system.

To the Video


Dr Ulrike Herr (Partner at Maiwald) explains the meaning of opting-out. Specifically, the focus is on effects and limitations of opting-out, as well as on opting-out strategies. The video will also provide a to-do-list to start with preparations for opting out.

To the video

UPC Podcast

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UPC Taskforce

Feel free to contact our UPC taskforce if you have any questions on the Unitary Patent System: upc@Maiwald.eu