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Maiwald is pleased to be a member of the UPCLA network

What is the UPCLA network?

The UPCLA network, created in 2014, is a non-exclusive network of European lawyers and patent attorneys firms, all recognized for the excellence of their intellectual property practice by international rankings. The purpose of the UPCLA network is to plan and coordinate panEuropean patent litigation (as well as in the whole field of intellectual property in general), pending the advent of the Unified Patent Jurisdiction.

What are the reasons to choose the UPCLA network?


The UPCLA is a European network gathering:

Simplicity & Flexibility

A single point of contact:


All members are independent:

Inside knowledge

Find out more on the UPCLA network:

Our blog contributions shall provide an overview with regard to legal topics, legislation and case law and are supposed to provide some general information rather than constituting any specific advice. Please do not hesitate to contact Maiwald and in particular the authors of the particular contributions if have any questions on the addressed topics or on other legal issues.

Contact us


Dr.-Ing. Sophie Ertl


German Patent Attorney

European Patent Attorney

Representative before the UPC

Mechanical Engineer